Tuesday, 22 March 2011


To know me is to know I love watching documentaries about influentical creatives - designers, musicians, artists and the like. One particular favourite of mine was the Hip Hop inspired street artist Keith Haring whose work is synonymous with 1980s commercially thriving vibrant New York and really an amalgamation of everything I love. The documentary which I watched while staying at the Standard Hotel in New York, (giving his work new found meaning and poignancy) gave me a new life goal, to one day own one of his loud and proud paintings of happy dancing rasta coloured joyous squidgy stick men.  
Not only do I get a kick out of the exuberant and childish figures in Haring's work, he also came across as a real good guy. He did so much work with kids and charities and anti drug campaigns and painted murals everywhere from Germany to Brazil. In fact he was so omnipresent in the 80s and never made his art out to be a precious commodity, he was a real artist of the people. It also occured to me how much of a legacy he left behind after dying from AIDs in 1990. Keith Haring has been gone for over 30 years but his work is still so relevant to me, not only because it still looks cool and now in an aztec, slightly retro 'come one rude boy boy' kind of way. But also because designers are still using his work which means he still has a major influence today! He represents to me a huge slice of 80s American culture and really represents what 'pop art' is all about with his connections with music and fashion.
 Keith Haring and Grace Jones back in the day

'Crack is Wack' by Keith Haring
 Keith Haring for Nicholas Kirkwood

 Lady B in Haring's designs

 Keith Haring for Patrica Field jeans

Rihanna wears jacket by Keith Haring x Schott

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